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Oct 16,2015
Aberrant Nuclear Transport Key to ALS Progression
    Degenerative motor neuron diseases are progressive disorders with complex molecular origins that still elude scientists. However, researchers at the University of Toronto believe they may have solved a critical part of the intricate puzzle that leads to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD).       ALS is a neuromuscular disease that begins as aRead more
Oct 16,2015
Drugs goes undercover as platelets and hunts down cancer cells for extermination
    Researcher sheds light on cancer treatment as they reveal the development of a new technique that they believe will make anticancer drugs linger in the body for longer and hunt down a series of different cancer cells: disguising the drugs in the membranes of platelets, the cells in the blood that bind together to avertRead more
Oct 15,2015
A New Old Protein in B Cells discovered by Scientists
    Researchers of the University of Freiburg have discovered a new protein, Kidins220/ARMS, in B cells. They also determined that it plays a critical role in the production of antibodies and the formation of B cells, which are a type of white blood cells.     Various teams of researchers had already noted that Kidins220/ARMS is present inRead more
Oct 15,2015
New Test Can Detect Nearly All Infectious Viruses at Once
    A new test called ViroCap developed by researchers from the Washington University, School of Medicine in St. Louis is said to have the ability to detect nearly all types of infectious viral diseases.     Thousands of different viruses are known to cause illness, but making a diagnosis can be an arduous task requiring a battery ofRead more
Oct 15,2015
What is the purpose of carrying out the consistency evaluation of generic drugs?
The consistency evaluation started in January 2012 "Notice on Printing and Distributing the National Drug Safety'Twelfth Five-Year Plan' (Guo Fa [2012] No. 5, hereinafter referred to as the "Notice”)” and "National Food and Drug Supervision” in February 2013. Notice of the Administration on Carrying out the Quality Consistency Evaluation of Generic Drugs", since then, consistencyRead more
Oct 14,2015
Ubiquitin Found to Mark Pathogen-Containing Vacuoles for Destruction
    Scientists say they have discovered that the human immune system marks pathogen-containing vacuoles for destruction by using a molecule called ubiquitin, commonly known as the "kiss of death.” The finding could lead to new therapeutic strategies to boost the immune system's response to the pathogens responsible for a long list of human ailments, including tuberculosis,Read more
Ubiquitin Found to Mark Pathogen-Containing Vacuoles for Destruction
Oct 14,2015
Using Nanopores to Study Real-Time Enzymatic Processes
    Nanopore technology has been developed for detecting properties of proteins through monitoring of ionic current modulations as protein passes via a nanosize pore. As a real-time, sensitive, selective and stable technology, biological nanopores are of widespread concern.     The researchers created an innovative tool to directly detect single-molecule interactions between DNA and enzymatic proteins, viewing andRead more
Sep 29,2015
Sequencing Metastatic Cancers Could Lead to Improved Therapies
    Unravelling the genetic sequences of cancer that has spread to the brain could offer unexpected targets for effective treatment, according to a study ("Genomic characterization of brain metastases and paired primary tumors reveals branched evolution and potential therapeutic targets”) published in Cancer Discovery.     Scientists say they found that the original, or primary, cancer in aRead more
Sep 29,2015
Chip Based Technology Enables Reliable Ebola Detection
    Ebola is a disease of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses. The disease has a high risk of death, killing between 25 and 90 percent of those infected, with an average of about 50 percent. This is often due to low blood pressure from fluid loss and typically follows six to sixteen days afterRead more
Sep 28,2015
Tracking Epigenetic Changes at the Single Cell Level
    If every cell in the human body contains the same genetic information than what makes a cell from the eye different from a liver cell? This question is often posed to biology students before introducing the concepts of gene expression and regulation—an integral part of the broader discipline of epigenetics.     DNA methylation is the foundationRead more