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Top 10 Global CDMO Enterprises| The Meaning of IND, NDA and ANDA| Top 10 Global Clinical Research Organizations in 2021
Dec 28,2015
Sweet Inflammatory Relief from a Familiar Tree
    Inflammation is a normal and expected physiological response to tissue trauma or infection. However, for a large portion of the population, these responses occur on a far more extensive and disruptive scale. Now that medical practitioners generally better understand the signs and symptoms of widespread and chronic inflammatory disorders—from obvious disorders such as rheumatoid arthritisRead more
Sweet Inflammatory Relief from a Familiar Tree
Dec 28,2015
How the Plant Virus Can Help Fight Cancer
    In a fight against cancer, a common plant virus has come to our rescue. The shells of this common plant virus, inhaled into a lung tumor or injected into ovarian, colon or breast tumors, not only triggered the immune system in mice to wipe out the tumors, but provided systemic protection against metastases, researchers fromRead more
How the Plant Virus Can Help Fight Cancer
Dec 25,2015
Single Transformer Proteins May Play a Role in Cancer
    A new study led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital shows how a protein involved in cancer twists and morphs into different structures. The research focuses on a protein named nucleophosmin (NPM1). The protein has many functions and may interfere with cells’ normal tumor suppressing ability whenRead more
Dec 25,2015
Study Links Epigenetic Processes to the Development of the Cerebellar Circuitry
    From before birth through childhood, connections form between neurons in the brain, ultimately making us who we are. So far, scientists have gained a relatively good understanding of how neural circuits become established, but they know less about the genetic control at play during this crucial developmental process.     Now, a team led by scientists atRead more
Study Links Epigenetic Processes to the Development of the Cerebellar Circuitry
Dec 24,2015
More Magnesium Could Equal Less Pancreatic Cancer
    Though foods rich in magnesium (dark leafy greens, nuts, fish, whole grains, dark chocolate, and more) constitute quite a range of culinary delights, it can still be difficult to consume the current recommended daily value of 400 milligrams. Yet now, researchers at Indiana University provide evidence that supports the notion that magnesium intake may beRead more
More Magnesium Could Equal Less Pancreatic Cancer
Dec 24,2015
Epigenetic Basis of Memory Extends to Non-Neuronal Cells
    While multiple epigenetic changes are known to accompany the weakening and strengthening of synaptic connections—and hence participate in the formation of memories—these molecular-level events are still poorly understood. Taking a close look at these changes, scientists based at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) discerned that neuroplasticity depends on patterns of DNA methylation, asRead more
Dec 23,2015
German Researchers Develop Novel 3D Cell Culture Technique to Study Gliomas in Real Time
    Scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany say they have developed a novel 3D cell culture technique that allows brain tumor growth to be studied directly and without the need for complex experiments using live animals. The team, led by neuroscientist Nicolai Savaskan, M.D., Ph.D., devised a method called the Vascular Organotypic Glioma Impact ModelRead more
German Researchers Develop Novel 3D Cell Culture Technique to Study Gliomas in Real Time
Dec 23,2015
Peroxisomes May Lead to Therapies for West Nile and Dengue Viruses
    A new discovery from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry could open the door to one day treat or prevent diseases caused by West Nile virus and Dengue virus infections.     The research, published and featured in the Spot Light section of the December edition of the Journal of Virology, examines a previouslyRead more
Peroxisomes May Lead to Therapies for West Nile and Dengue Viruses
Dec 23,2015
Lead Compound Optimization Service
Medicilon Medicinal Chemistry Service Project Medicilon has completed dozens of drug R&D cooperation projects with domestic and foreign customers, and has successfully discovered multiple preclinical drug candidates. Medicilon's medicinal chemistry team can provide customers with the following services: view details Feasibility assessment of new drug targets High-throughput screening and discovery of active compounds based onRead more
Lead Compound Optimization Service
Dec 22,2015
Genetic Barrier between Species Identified
Hybrid offspring are typically infertile or inviable. Unable to thrive or propagate, they help preserve the differentiation of the species, however unwillingly, unwittingly, or inadvertently. They are made unfit at the molecular level by means of hybrid inviability genes, but these have eluded scientific scrutiny. Some but not all such genes have been found—even inRead more