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Jan 20,2016
Study Identifies Signals That Make Early Stem Cells
    Stem cells work throughout our lives as a sort of handyman, repairing damaged tissues and renewing some normal ones, like the skin we shed. Scientists have come to understand much about how stem cells function when we are adults, but less is known about where these stem cells come from to begin with, as anRead more
Study Identifies Signals That Make Early Stem Cells
Jan 19,2016
3D Pose of Enzyme Could Improve Antibiotic Drug Discovery
    Sending a tiny film crew to capture the molecular actions of enzymes in motion would be an ideal way to study the mechanistic nature of these biological catalysts. However, until Asimov's fantasy about miniaturization rays becomes reality, the researchers at McGill University will stick to their current methods, which have allowed them to take aRead more
Jan 19,2016
Strange Effector Mechanism Balance Inventory of DNA Building Blocks
Many enzymes have their activities turned up or down by means of effectors—molecules that bind to enzymes and alter their shapes. At least one enzyme, however, responds to effectors by changing its specificity. This enzyme, ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), has an active site that can assume four different shapes depending on which effectors the enzyme binds.Read more
Strange Effector Mechanism Balance Inventory of DNA Building Blocks
Jan 18,2016
Molecule Driving DNA Repair Disorder Revealed
    The importance of maintaining genomic integrity becomes readily apparent when determining the underlying causes of various genetic diseases with mutations residing within DNA repair pathways. Researchers at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center believe they have identified a molecular target and experimental treatment strategy for DNA repair defects behind Fanconi anemia—a multifaceted genetic disorder responsibleRead more
Jan 18,2016
Experimental Immunotherapy Zaps Two Most Lethal Ebola Virus Strains
    Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) have engineered the first antibodies that can potently neutralize the two deadliest strains of the virus that causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The findings, made in mice, are a significant step toward immunotherapies that are effective against allRead more
Jan 15,2016
Linking Gene Expression, DNA Methylation in Single Cells
    Single-cell sequencing technology has progressed rapidly in recent years, and is widely used to study how gene expression profiles (‘transcriptomes’) vary between cells. Recent single-cell protocols also allow researchers to explore chemical modification of DNA (‘epigenetics’), for example DNA methylation, which is a driving force behind changes to gene expression. Until now, it has onlyRead more
Jan 15,2016
Scientists Pressure Cells into Becoming Stem Cells
    Stem cells are vitally important to medical researchers. Capable of becoming any other type of cell, they allow researchers study and develop treatments for a range medical problems — from diabetes to cancer, Alzheimer's to Parkinson's.       But stem cells aren't easy to acquire, which is why the latest development out of Swiss laboratories isRead more
Scientists Pressure Cells into Becoming Stem Cells
Jan 13,2016
CRISPR May Help to Rewrite Rodent Nursery Rhyme
    "See how they run. See how they run. They all run after the farmer's wife …,” is how the old song goes about the trio of visually impaired rodents. Well, science may soon have a solution to their acuity troubles through the use of gene-editing techniques. In a new study, researchers at the Cedars-Sinai BoardRead more
Jan 13,2016
Diabetes and Alzheimer Share Same Molecular Pathways
Though they appear to be distinct, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease have much in common at the molecular level. In fact, recent findings indicate that either disease can worsen the other by disrupting the same chemical process—S-nitrosylation, a form of post-translational modification that is necessary for the proper functioning of multiple enzymes.   S-nitrosylation, it turnsRead more
Diabetes and Alzheimer Share Same Molecular Pathways
Jan 13,2016
Compound water solubility and stability test
Compound Water Solubility and Stability Test Service Items ◇ Compound water solubility and stability test method: HPLC-UV ◇ Compound test method development ◇ Method confirmation (to do quantitation limit, linearity and precision) ◇ Solubility test ◇ Stability test Quotation Standard ◇With or without compound ◇Different according to the difficulty of the method and the typeRead more
Compound water solubility and stability test