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Jan 27,2016
Mitochondrial Troublemakers Unmasked in Lupus
    New findings expose how mitochondria might instigate lupus-like inflammation.  Mitochondria are the power stations in living cells, but they also have many other sidelines.  The byproducts of their respiration and energy conversion, for instance, include molecules eager to participate in chemical changes. These reactive oxygen species are two-edged swords that can harm the body orRead more
Jan 26,2016
Combating Antibiotic Resistance Goes Quantum
 In the ever-escalating evolutionary battle with drug-resistant bacteria, humans may soon have a leg up thanks to adaptive, light-activated nanotherapy developed by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder.       Antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli and Staphylococcus infect some 2 million people and kill at least 23,000 people in the United States eachRead more
Combating Antibiotic Resistance Goes Quantum
Jan 26,2016
Newly Discovered Gene May Link to Autism and Other Neuro Disorders
    Researchers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) claim to have identified a gene that seemingly plays a significant role in raising a person's risk of having more severe subtypes of autism that co-occur with other genetic disease, such as the chromosomal disorder 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Variations in this gene, labeled RANBP1, may disrupt brainRead more
Jan 25,2016
Adult Stem Cell Potential Varies Person to Person, Not Organ to Organ
    Adult stem cells have been suspected of retaining developmental preferences, that is, a tendency to revert to type. For example, stem cells originally derived from skin would be biased toward developing into skin cells again, and the same for blood cells or cells of any other type. Although this cell-level developmental preference has been given a name—epigeneticRead more
Jan 25,2016
Blueprint of Protein Linked to Pain Discovered
    Researchers at Duke University School of Medicine have discovered the structure of a protein linked to pain and heat perception that is an important step toward developing new therapies that target pain receptors.     They have found an ion-channel protein structure located in the cell’s surface membrane. Apart from the detection of heat, this protein structureRead more
Jan 22,2016
Discovery of a Dual Natured Virulence Factor Could Open Door to New Antimicrobial Drugs
    The speed at which microbial pathogens are developing resistance to our current arsenal of antibiotics is not just staggeringly fast; it’s positively frightening.     Over the past several years scientists have been united in a common objective: to develop compounds that can circumvent drug-resistant bacteria, as well as slow the rate at which microbes develop resistantRead more
Jan 22,2016
Childhood Poverty Can Damage Brain Connectivity and Function
    A new study by researchers from Washington University in St. Louis has identified changes in poor children’s brain connectivity that is directly linked to growing up in poverty. These alterations in brain connectivity increase a child’s risk of suffering clinical depression.     The researchers found that key structures in the brain are connected differently in children who grow up in poverty compared to the brain connectivity of their more affluentRead more
Jan 21,2016
Chemists Devise Powerful New Method for Modifying Drug Molecules
    The synthesis of a drug candidate is often a kind of molecule improvement project in which even a modest expansion can involve an inordinate amount of scaffold building, tearing down, and reconstruction. Ideally, drug developers would be able to tack prefabricated units onto a starter molecule at will without having to worry about damaging preexistingRead more
Jan 21,2016
Novel Liquid Biopsy Method Checks for DNA Packaging Signatures
    The detection of discrete DNA sequences from a patient's blood sample in order to diagnose or monitor the progression of disease is the foundation of liquid biopsy and has taken the molecular diagnostic field by storm over the past several years. However, despite all of the promise these tests and advances have shown, the currentRead more
Jan 20,2016
Paranoid Bacteria Maintain Antibiotic Resistant Posture
    "It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.” These are words to live by—or rather, infect by, provided you're part of a bacterial population.     While it's one thing for bacteria to enter a transient, drug-tolerant state while they are under antibiotic attack, it's quite another for bacteria to enter such a state whenRead more