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Feb 11,2016
Pan Cancer Epigenetic Signature Readable in Circulating Tumor DNA
    If cancer has a signature, the dotted line may be a gene called ZNF154, say scientists at the National Institutes of Health. Although the scientists don't know exactly what the gene does, they do know that it may carry distinctive methylation marks, and that these marks have been associated with multiple types of cancer. InRead more
Feb 10,2016
How Chromatin Remodelers Open Genetic Vaults
    Genes cannot be expressed if they remain inaccessible, locked within tightly packed chromatin. However, even deeply buried genes can be exposed to transcription machinery. They key? Chromatin Remodeling Enzymes. But it has been unclear whether these enzymes act like skeleton keys or are more specific, targeting specific nucleosomes to regulate transcription.     To investigate the safe-crackingRead more
Feb 10,2016
Scientists Discover the Molecular Switch of Salmonella
Scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have discovered a molecular regulator that allows Salmonella bacteria to switch from actively causing disease to lurking in a chronic but asymptomatic biofilm. Their findings (“The Horizontally-acquired Response Regulator SsrB Drives a Salmonella Lifestyle Switch by Relieving Biofilm Silencing”) are published in eLife. Biofilms cling to surfacesRead more
Feb 09,2016
Robust Technique Developed for Generating Human Neural Crest Cells
    Neural crest cells arise early in the development of vertebrates, migrate extensively through the embryo, and differentiate to give rise to a wide array of diverse derivatives. Their contributions include a large proportion of our peripheral nerves, the melanocytes that provide skin color and protection from damaging UV light, as well as many different cellRead more
Robust Technique Developed for Generating Human Neural Crest Cells
Feb 09,2016
Mathematics Joins Biology in Nanoparticle Vaccine Design
    Researchers at the Universities of York and Torino have used mathematics as a tool to provide precise details of the structure of protein nanoparticles, potentially making them more useful in vaccine design.     Working with a team at the University of Connecticut that focused on the development of self-assembling protein nanoparticles (SAPNs) for vaccine design, theyRead more
Feb 05,2016
Viral Gene Editing System Corrects Genetic Liver Disease in Newborn Mice
    Researchers have treated an animal model of a genetic disorder using a viral vector to deliver genome-editing components in which the disease- causing mutation has been corrected. Delivery of the vector to newborn mice improved their survival while treatment of adult animals, unexpectedly, made them worse, according to a new study by investigators from theRead more
Feb 05,2016
Junk DNA Plays Role In Preventing Breast Cancer
Supposed "Junk” DNA, found in between genes, plays a role in suppressing cancer, according to new research by Universities of Bath and Cambridge. In a paper ("Transcriptional silencing of long noncoding RNA GNG12-AS1 uncouples its transcriptional and product-related functions”) that appeared February 2 in Nature Communications, the researchers explained that they used multiple small interferingRead more
Junk DNA Plays Role In Preventing Breast Cancer
Feb 04,2016
Vaginal Microbes Can Be Partially Restored To C Section Babies
    In a small pilot study, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai determined that a simple swab to transfer vaginal microbes from a mother to her C-section-delivered newborn can alter the baby’s microbial makeup (microbiome) in a way that more closely resembles the microbiomeRead more
Feb 04,2016
Cancer Causing Enzyme Acts during DNA Replication
    Scientists at Indiana University (IU) have identified a genetic mechanism that is likely to drive mutations that can lead to cancer. Their E. coli study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds the enzyme APOBEC3G, a known trigger for mutations that occur as benign tumor cells to transform into cancerous malignanciesRead more
Cancer Causing Enzyme Acts during DNA Replication
Feb 03,2016
Blood Pressure Drugs Could Help Treat Alzheimer Patient
    A federally approved drug used to treat high blood pressure has been found to reduce cell damage linked to Alzheimer’s disease in laboratory research by Georgetown University Medical Center and the National Institutes of Health.     They reported that their work, published online in the journal Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, provides information supporting the potential effectRead more