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Mar 03,2016
Medicilon Animal Studies CRO Services
Medicilon is a company engaged in pre-clinical research outsourcing services (CRO), which specializes in providing customers with customizable pre-clinical trial service programs. Professional knowledge in pharmacodynamic research and toxicology. Provide you with high-quality data and fast turnaround to support various drug development, preclinical research and clinical research. Help you select the most valuable drug candidatesRead more
Medicilon Animal Studies CRO Services
Mar 02,2016
First Malaria Vaccine Trial In Humans
    While the deaths from malaria are devastating, ranging in the hundreds of thousands annually, it is often the morbidity associated with this parasitic infection that can be viewed as even worse—decimating large populations and incapacitating members within endemic areas who are critical to its economic vitality. There are five different species of malaria parasites thatRead more
Mar 02,2016
Glucose In, Heart Disease Out
    Coronary artery disease (CAD) accounts for nearly half of all deaths in the United States and arises when blood flow through the arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart is impaired. The underlying process—the buildup of plaque inside the arteries—is called atherosclerosis.     “Most of us develop arterial plaque over the course of our lifetimes,”Read more
Mar 01,2016
Specific Proteins Found to Jump Start Spread of Cancer Cells
    Scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center, with colleagues in Spain and Germany, have discovered how elevated levels of particular proteins in cancer cells trigger hyperactivity in other proteins, fueling the growth and spread of a variety of cancers. Their study (“Prognostic Impact of Modulators of GRead more
Mar 01,2016
Genetically Engineered E. coli Cranks Out Opiate Precursor
    Though opiate drug use has been much maligned over the past several years, the need for medically relevant painkillers has not waned. Scientists have been continually on the hunt for improved production methods of opiate compounds, as extraction from poppy sap is inefficient and time-consuming.     Now, a team of Japanese researchers from Ishikawa Prefectural UniversityRead more
Feb 29,2016
Researchers Make Groundbreaking Discovery, Using Skin Cells to Kill Cancer
    In a new landmark study, pharmacy researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill turn skin cells into cancer-hunting stem cells that destroy brain tumors know as glioblastoma. The investigators are optimistic that this technique could provide a significantly more effective treatment for the disease, which typically has a poor long-term survival rate.Read more
Feb 29,2016
Squishy Embryos Might Be The Most Viable
    Only about 30 percent of embryos implanted for in-vitro fertilization result in the birth of a healthy baby. One of the reasons IVF might fail is that the embryo (or embryos) that the doctors implant into the prospective mother might not stand the best chance for healthy development.      Now scientists from Stanford University believe they have foundRead more
Feb 26,2016
Installing Smartly Formulated Receptors Improves Function of Diseased Hearts
    A designer protein has been used to enhance cardiac contractility and alleviate heart disease, and the protein, a customized version of a Ca2+-sensitive receptor called Troponin C, is effective even if it is introduced in fairly modest degrees. The success of the customized Troponin C suggests that designer proteins, in combination with gene therapy, mayRead more
Feb 26,2016
Transforming Molecular Diagnostic Point of Care with Cell Phones
    Scientists at Caltech report that they have invented a new technique that can help bring emerging diagnostic capabilities out of laboratories and to the point of care. To address the need for a robust readout system for quantitative diagnostics, the researchers devised a novel visual readout method that uses analytical chemistries and image processing toRead more
Feb 25,2016
Whole Genome Study Allays Cancer Fears Surrounding Stem Cell Techniques
    Cell-replacement therapies that depend on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) inspire hope and fear—hope that cells derived from iPSCs will actualize regenerative medicine; fear that the very same cells will bring cancer-causing mutations to patients. The fear lingers even though several studies have already suggested that iPSCs can be considered safe. These studies were conductedRead more