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Dec 28,2016
CRISPR Screening Identifies Potential HIV Treatment Targets
    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a type of virus called a retrovirus, which infects the human immune system. HIV may cause AIDS by eventually killing the white blood cells, which a healthy body uses to fight off disease. CRISPR screening identifies potential HIV treatment targets.CRISPR-based genetic screens widely used for functional genomics typically involve aRead more
Dec 28,2016
Heavy Metal Testing Labs
Heavy metals testing is used to screen for or to diagnose heavy metal poisoning in those who may have been acutely or chronically exposed to one or more heavy metals and to monitor excessive metal concentrations in those who work with various heavy metals. Such occupations include construction work, mining, radiator repair shops and firingRead more
Heavy Metal Testing Labs
Dec 27,2016
Rejuvenating the Disposal System of the Brain
    A characteristic feature of Alzheimer's disease is the presence of so called amyloid plaques in the patient's brain — aggregates of misfolded proteins that clump together and damage nerve cells.  Although the body has mechanisms to dispose these aggregates, it apparently cannot keep up with the load in the diseased brain.     Scientists from the GermanRead more
Rejuvenating the Disposal System of the Brain
Dec 27,2016
A Little Extra Vitamin D is Good for the Gut
    While scientists have known for some time that diets high in fat can trigger a metabolic syndrome—a group of symptoms that represent risk factors for diabetes and heart disease—new research from investigators at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Sichuan University in China has revealed that vitamin D deficiency is necessary for this syndrome to progress inRead more
Dec 27,2016
CHN Elemental Analysis Service
CHN analysis is short for carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen elements in compounds and materials. Elemental analysis on carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen is the most essential – and in many cases the only – investigation performed to characterize and/or prove the elemental composition of an organic sample. Numerous compounds include no additional elements besides C, HRead more
CHN Elemental Analysis Service
Dec 23,2016
Spicy Food Could Inhibit Breast Cancer Cells
People's reaction to eating spicy foods ranges from the euphoric demand for more to the tongue-sweltering search for fire-snuffing edibles. Most spicy dishes owe their heat to peppers from the genus Capsicum, with species ranging from the nonspicy bell pepper to the current title holder of world's hottest pepper, the Carolina Reaper.     ForRead more
Spicy Food Could Inhibit Breast Cancer Cells
Dec 23,2016
New Study on Tumor Cell Migration May Help to Kill Cancer
Cell migration is a central process in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Tissue formation during embryonic development, wound healing and immune responses all require the orchestrated movement of cells in particular directions to specific locations. Researchers at the Drexel College of Arts and Science, led by assistant professor Ryan Petrie, Ph.D., say theyRead more
Dec 23,2016
Medicilon's XRF Testing Services
XRF Services What is X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) ? X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF) is a nondestructive physical method used for chemical elemental analysis of materials in the solid or liquid state. The specimen is irradiated by photons or charged particles of sufficient energy to cause its elements to emit (fluoresce) their characteristic x-ray line spectra.The detectionRead more
Medicilon's XRF Testing Services
Dec 22,2016
Surprise Benefits of Sunlight in Immunity
    Sunlight allows us to make vitamin D, credited with healthier living, but a surprise research finding could reveal another powerful benefit of getting some sun.  There is something new under the sun—speedier T cells. They are found in the skin, which harbors a larger share of cells in humans, about twice the number found inRead more
Surprise Benefits of Sunlight in Immunity
Dec 22,2016
Liquid Biopsy As Prognostic Tool for Pancreatic Cancer
    Pancreatic cancer arises when cells in the pancreas, a glandular organ behind the stomach, begin to multiply out of control and form a mass. These cancerous cells have the ability to invade other parts of the body.  There are a number of types of pancreatic cancer. The most common, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, accounts for about 85%Read more