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Jun 23,2017
Skin Microbiome Can Be Negatively Altered by Topical Antibiotics
    Scientists at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania say the use of topical antibiotics can dramatically alter communities of bacteria that live on the skin, while the use of antiseptics has a much smaller, less durable impact. The study ("Topical antimicrobial treatments can elicit shifts to resident skin bacterial communities and reduce colonizationRead more
Skin Microbiome Can Be Negatively Altered by Topical Antibiotics
Jun 23,2017
Isolating Anti-Alzheimer’s Compounds in Plants
    Traditional plant medicines have been used by humans for a long time, and these therapies are still popular in many countries. Plants typically contain a huge variety of compounds, many of which have no effect in the body, and some which can have significant effects.  However isolating specific efficacious molecules from the milieu of compoundsRead more
Isolating Anti-Alzheimer’s Compounds in Plants
Jun 23,2017
The effectiveness and safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injections
At the 28th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress held on June 22, the National People's Congress Deputies Committee heard and deliberated the State Council's report on drug administration. Commissioned by the State Council, Bi Jingquan, director of the State Food and Drug Administration, made a report. The report mentionedRead more
Jun 22,2017
New Immune System Finding May Open Door to Novel Cancer Therapies
    Most living cells have a defined number of chromosomes: Human cells, for example, have 23 pairs. As cells divide, they can make errors that lead to a gain or loss of chromosomes, which is usually very harmful.     Biologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say they have identified a mechanism that the immune systemRead more
Jun 22,2017
The First Vaccine to Lower Cholesterol
    It gives rise to antibodies that could prevent disease, but it's not quite a vaccine. It qualifies as an immunotherapy because it targets one of the body's own proteins, not a protein associated with a pathogen. The "it” in this case is AT04A, a peptide-based formulation that induces an immune response against a protein thatRead more
The First Vaccine to Lower Cholesterol
Jun 22,2017
Inventory of Common Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) Studies Animals Species
The reproductive toxicity test is divided into section I, section II, and section III reproductive toxicity test. Part I reproductive toxicity test: also known as general reproductive toxicity test. The drug is administered before the animal mating, and the purpose is to evaluate whether the germ cells have any adverse effects on the conception ability,Read more
Inventory of Common Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) Studies Animals Species
Jun 21,2017
Distant Brain Regions Selectively Recruit Stem Cells
    Long-distance connections in the adult brain may dial up stem-cell niches and order the delivery of particular types of neurons. Of all the brain's stem-cell niches, the largest is the ventricular–subventricular zone (V-SVZ), which supplies neurons to the olfactory bulb. While the olfactory bulb's densely interwoven network of neurons has been known to be importantRead more
Jun 21,2017
Discovery Could Guide Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer
    Scientists have discovered a new type of immune cell that could predict which lung cancer patients will benefit most from immunotherapy treatment.  The group’s study (“Tissue-Resident Memory Features Are Linked to the Magnitude of Cytotoxic T Cell Responses in Human Lung Cancer”) appears in Nature Immunology.     Investigators at the University of Southampton and the LaRead more
Jun 21,2017
Adenovirus Construction Services
Techniques Introduction: Recombinant adenovirus is one of the most efficient and reliable recombinant viral expression systems available for transient expression of shRNA or target proteins in mammalian cells at instantaneously and high levels. There is no question that the adenovirus is the most effective means of delivering genes in vivo and in vitro. Construction ofRead more
Adenovirus Construction Services
Jun 20,2017
Newly Discovered Cellular Pathway May Lead to Cancer Therapies
    An international research team reports the discovery of a new cellular pathway that can promote and support the growth of cancer cells. In a mouse model of melanoma, blocking this pathway resulted in reduction of tumor growth.       The study ("Transcriptional Activation of RagD GTPase Controls mTORC1 and Promotes Cancer Growth”), which is published in Science, offersRead more
Newly Discovered Cellular Pathway May Lead to Cancer Therapies