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Aug 14,2017
Sound-Sensitive On-Demand Pain Relief
Imagine a small hand-held device that could be directly placed on the skin and with the press of a button localized pain would vanish. Sound like something you would see in an episode of Star Trek, right? If a team of investigators, led by scientists at Boston Children's Hospital have it their way, it willRead more
Aug 14,2017
What are drug transporters in pharmacokinetics?
Drug transporters play an important role in the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. Medicilon can offer a broad spectrum of high-quality services involving all micromolecule and macromolecule (protein and antibody), with service contents including in vitro ADME, in vivo pharmacokinetics, and bioanalysis.
What are drug transporters in pharmacokinetics?
Aug 14,2017
Obese Mouse Model, Animal Models of Obesity
Animal Model Obesity Obesity is a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors caused by nutritional metabolic disorders. Prevention and treatment of obesity has become an important health problem in the 21st century. Animal models are an essential for the study of obesity. Animal modeling is extremely critical for early work for obesity research. OnlyRead more
Obese Mouse Model, Animal Models of Obesity
Aug 11,2017
Marijuana Use Triples Risk for Hypertensive Death
Marijuana is often associated with relaxation, but users might want to rethink this notion.  As the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana continue to spread across the U.S., so too have usage rates for the drug, especially in younger demographics. Over the years, research into the long-term effects of marijuana usage has been paltry and difficultRead more
Marijuana Use Triples Risk for Hypertensive Death
Aug 11,2017
Antibacterial Exposure in Utero May Harm Developing Child
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have discovered that exposure to environmental levels of triclocarban (TCC), an antibacterial chemical common in personal care products like soaps and lotions as well as in the medical field, can transfer from mother to offspring and interfere with lipid metabolism, whose biological function is storing energy, signaling, and actingRead more
Antibacterial Exposure in Utero May Harm Developing Child
Aug 10,2017
Some Prostate Cancer Reflects Epigenetic Shift that Exposes Druggable Vulnerability
Prostate cancer researchers have mapped the impact of an acquired mutation that alters epigenetic identity, the make-up of DNA, in about 50% of patient tumor samples. The discovery also identifies a new opportunity for targeted therapy. By studying molecular-level variations in prostate cancer, scientists hope to find ways to personalize prostate cancer treatments. One suchRead more
Some Prostate Cancer Reflects Epigenetic Shift that Exposes Druggable Vulnerability
Aug 10,2017
Opioid Painkillers Could Be Replaced by Cancer Drugs
The discovery of a new biological pathway involved in pain processing offers hope of using existing cancer drugs to replace the use of opioids in chronic pain treatment, according to scientists at McGill University. A newly discovered pain-processing pathway could lead to alternative treatments for chronic pain. The new treatments could even make use ofRead more
Opioid Painkillers Could Be Replaced by Cancer Drugs
Aug 09,2017
Novel Technique Allows for Discovery of Unknown Viruses
A chance discovery has opened up a new method of finding unknown viruses. Oxford University researchers have revealed that Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and its associated online DNA databases can be used to discover unknown viruses. They have developed algorithms that detect DNA from viruses in fish blood or tissue samples and could be usedRead more
Aug 09,2017
Compound Derived from Marijuana Interacts with Antiepileptic Drugs
The argument against the notion that marijuana and marijuana-derived compounds have medicinal properties is almost immaterial these days. However, due to complicated legal restrictions, it has been difficult to study the pharmacodynamics of cannabis drugs and contraindications with other commonly prescribed therapeutics. In recent years, cannabis compounds have moved from being utilized just to treatRead more
Compound Derived from Marijuana Interacts with Antiepileptic Drugs
Aug 08,2017
Natural Compound Coupled with Specific Gut Microbes May Prevent Severe Flu
Microbes that live in the gut don't just digest food. They also have far-reaching effects on the immune system. Now, a new study shows that a particular gut microbe can prevent severe flu infections in mice, likely by breaking down naturally occurring compounds, called flavonoids, commonly found in foods such as black tea, red wineRead more
Natural Compound Coupled with Specific Gut Microbes May Prevent Severe Flu