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Introduction of common tumor model experimental animals

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BALB/c mice

BALB/c mice
BALB/c mice

Features and uses:

◇ Its incidence is low, but it is sensitive to carcinogens. The incidence of breast tumors is about 10﹪~20﹪.

◇ There are a certain number of ovarian, adrenal and lung tumors, which are extremely sensitive to radiation. You are susceptible to chronic pneumonia. 

◇Most individuals develop immunoglobulin syndrome after 6 months of age. The main reason is the increase of IgG1 and IgA.

◇The absolute amount of immunoglobulin varies with feeding conditions. Intraperitoneal injection of mineral oil can cause plasmacytoma.

◇ Widely used in oncology, physiology, immunology, nuclear medicine research, and monoclonal antibody research and production.

DBA/2 mice

DBA/2 mice
DBA/2 mice

Features and uses:

◇Immunity: Under normal feeding conditions, the amount of serum immunoglobulin in three-month-old mice is about 1000ug/ml, which is only equivalent to 1/2 of C57BL/6, C3H/He and BALB/c. Among them, IgM value is high, while IgG is low. Among the subclasses of IgG, IgG1 is the highest and IgG2 is the lowest. Lack of complement C5. It is more sensitive to mouse spot typhoid complement C5.

◇Tumor: Most of the transplanted tumors are resistant to DBA/1.The incidence of leukemia in female mice is 34%, that in male mice is 18%, and the incidence of breast cancer in pregnant female mice is 50-60%. Both male and female mice have lymphoma growth.

◇Microorganisms and parasites: resistant to Plasmodium and Leishmania. It is sensitive to Clonorchis and Schistosoma mansoni. Resistant to Candida albicans, due to the Hc0 allele, resistant to Cryptococcus neoformans.

◇Physiology: There are many red blood cells. Low blood pressure. Vitamin K deficiency, high mortality due to chloroform and ethylene oxide. Adrenal glands have less lipid storage, and the heart has calcium deposits. With low alcoholism and morphine addiction. Sensitive to pertussis histamine susceptibility factor.

◇ Pathology: The rate of audiogenic seizures is 100% at the age of 35 days and 5% at the age of 55 days.  About half of the animal liver may have a waxy granuloma composed of macrophages.

ICR mouse

ICR mouse
ICR mouse

Features and uses:

◇Strong adaptability, strong physique, strong reproductive ability, fast growth rate, and good experiment repeatability.

◇The incidence of spontaneous teratoma and tubular adenoma in female mice is 0%~1%. When induced with urethane, the incidence of embryonic teratoma and tubular adenoma in 11-16 days is 5.9%, weaning The incidence of individual tubular adenoma and cystoma is 30%, and that of pregnant mice is 3%.

◇It is an internationally-used closed group of mice

◇It is an experimental animal that is more commonly used to screen immune drugs and replicate pathological models.

◇Peripheral blood and bone marrow cells have good stability and are good animals for hematology experiments. It has been widely used in scientific research, production and teaching of pharmacology, toxicology, tumors, radioactivity, food, biological products, etc. It is very similar to Kunming mice bred in my country.

SCID mice (Inbred Mice)

SCID mice
SCID mice (Inbred Mice)

It is widely used in the research of human immunology and virology, oncology, physiology, hematology, pathology, etc. It can accept the transplantation of human normal tissues and become a chimeric mouse (ie SCID-hu model) for human body Research on immune function reconstruction and oncology.

The incidence of spontaneous T-cell lymphoma (mainly in the thymus) in SCID mice is around 15℅. However, the normal control animals had no cases of this tumor. Lymphoma clearly originates in the thymus, and can metastasize to the lung, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and kidney. The tumor is composed of large and uniform lymphoblasts. The cells are large, rich in chromatin, contain large nucleoli, and the cytoplasm is basophilic. Tumor cells carry T-cell surface marker antigens. After the tumor mass or cultured cell suspension of this tumor is transplanted into a histocompatible host body, it can grow well and be passaged. At present, it is not clear: the relationship between the SCID mutation gene and the high incidence of T-cell thymoma.

Nude mice

Nude mice model
Nude mice model

Nude mice are immune-deficient because they lack an thymus and therefore lack an immune response. The normal mouse thymus is located behind the sternum stalk, close to the trachea, and the ventral surface of the heart, which is milky white fat and is divided into two lobes. The thymus is closely related to the body’s immune system. It is now known that the thymus can secrete several biologically active peptide substances, collectively called thymosin, which can stimulate lymphoid tissues to produce lymphocytes; from the bone marrow, spleen, and other tissues and lymph The primitive cells mature into T lymphocytes with cellular immune activity, thereby playing an immune role. Nude mice are congenitally athymic, and IgM and antigen responses are different when T cells are inhibited. In the absence of helper T cells, there is no reaction between IgG and IgA.

Nude mouse models are currently mainly used in human cancer transplantation studies. Nude rats have no thymus and lack T cells, so they can successfully transplant xenogeneic skin and xenogeneic tumors, including mouse tumors and human tumors.

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