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5th consecutive win! Medicilon once again made the list of "Top 20 Chinese R&D CRO Enterprises in 2024"

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On July 4th, the 2024 International Pharmaceutical Services Industry Innovation and Development Conference, along with the 9th Summit for China Pharmaceutical R&D Innovation, was grandly held at the Xiongan Convention and Exhibition Center.  At the conference, the highly anticipated "2024 China Pharmaceutical R&D Strength Ranking" was announced.  Shanghai Medicilon Inc. (Medicilon) stood out among hundreds of pharmaceutical enterprises and was honored with the "Top 20 Chinese R&D CRO Enterprises in 2024" award.

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About the Top 20 Chinese R&D CRO Enterprises in 2024

The "2024 China Pharmaceutical R&D Strength Ranking" is selected by the Organizing Committee of the China Pharmaceutical R&D Innovation Summit and the Expert Committee of the 2024 China Pharmaceutical R&D Strength Ranking. It aims to uncover and drive innovative forces in pharmaceutical R&D, encourage and recognize enterprises making significant contributions to pharmaceutical R&D, and further enhance the industry's focus on innovation in pharmaceutical R&D.  The "Top 20 Chinese R&D CRO Enterprises in 2024" list is strictly evaluated based on ten criteria such as annual total revenue, annual revenue growth, net profit, net profit growth, R&D investment, R&D investment growth, personnel size, personnel size growth, brand recognition, and leadership in specific subfields. These criteria represent the highest standards in the Chinese pharmaceutical CRO industry.

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