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What is the Explanation for the Clearance (CL) > Hepatic Blood Flow (Qh) in the In Vivo PK Test in Animals?
What is the explanation for the clearance (CL) > hepatic blood flow (Qh) in the in vivo PK test in animals?
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What are the Six Major Types of Early DMPK Studies?
What are the six major types of early DMPK studies?
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What are features of an ideal DMPK?
(1) Complete absorption (preferably passive absorption), bioavailability > 50% and minimal variation;
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Why is Early DMPK Important?
(1) Early pharmacokinetic testing allows for a low-cost, short-term risk-benefit assessment of new drug development projects.(2) Guiding the processes from optimization of lead compounds to determination of preclinical drug candidates;
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What is Cassette Dosing?
The cassette dosing regimen is an experimental strategy proposed by Berman J et al. in 1997: n drugs are mixed and administered to animals, while the in vivo concentrations of these compounds are measured and their pharmacokinetic parameters are calculated. This method has significant advantages: it reduces the number of samples, improves throughput, and avoids individual differences. At the same time it has obvious disadvantages: it increases the difficulty of the analytical method and increases the possibility of drug-drug interactions.
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What is Caco-2 Cell Model?
The Caco-2 cell line is a human colon adenocarcinoma epithelial cell that can differentiate itself into a monolayer similar to a mature human small intestinal epithelial cell.
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