World Immunization Day – Since the immunity track has become popular, Medicilon will help you seize the 100 billion blue ocean market!

World Immunization Day

Strong Immune System

It is a solid “Shield” for human health

Immunity is the bodies’ own defense mechanism.  It is the human body’s self-protection ability to identify and eliminate any foreign matter (virus, bacteria, etc.) that invades from the outside, deal with aging, damaged, dead, and degenerated own cells, as well as identify and deal with mutant cells and virus-infected cells in the body, thereby maintaining the health of the human body.

The book “The Autoimmune Fix” mentions: 95% of human diseases are caused by low immunity. Immunity is increased by 30%, cancer incidence and infection rates are reduced by 50%, and people are 10 years younger.

This immune system is the solid “Shield” for human health.  Different people have different immune systems.  Age is not the only factor in the “aging” of the immune system.  Underweight or obesity, bad living habits, abnormal biochemical indicators, pregnancy and disease can all affect the immune system.

Low immunity will cause symptoms such as repeated colds, fatigue, and difficulty in wound healing. Long-term low immunity may even promote the occurrence and development of tumors.

When the immune system reacts beyond normal limits, it can cause harm to the body.  When the immune system is in chaos, immune cells cannot accurately identify “self” and “foreign body” and mistakenly attack normal and harmless cells, tissues, and organs in the body, which may lead to the occurrence of autoimmune disease (AID).  Therefore, maintaining immune balance can maintain human health.

148 Autoimmune Diseases

Huge unmet Clinical Needs

Colitis occurs when the immune system attacks its own colon; attacking the synovial membrane in joints, causing rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis; attacking skin cells, causing psoriasis; attacking nerve tissue, causing damage to brain and spinal cord functions, causing allergic encephalomyelitis; attacking the beta cells responsible for producing insulin, causing type I diabetes; attacking melanocytes and causes vitiligo; attacking multiple systems, multiple tissues and organs, causing lupus erythematosus…

As of today, approximately 148 autoimmune diseases have been discovered in humans.  Statistics show that autoimmune diseases affect about 5% to 8% of the world’s population, and the number of patients is estimated to be more than 500 million; there are nearly 40 million patients with major autoimmune diseases in China.  From a treatment perspective, the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is complex and requires long-term medication.  Problems such as drug resistance and compliance are common and are called “immortal cancers” that often require upgrading. This promotes the continued development of the autoimmune disease drug.

List of autoimmune diseases by the American Autoimmune
Related Diseases Association (AARDA)

The order is based on the first letter of the English
name of the disease and has nothing to do with the incidence.


2.Addison’s disease

3.Adult Still’s disease


5.Alopecia areata


7.Ankylosing spondylitis


9.Antiphos Pholipid Syndrome,APS

10.Autoimmune angioedema

11.Autoimmune dysautonomia

12.Autoimmune encephalomyelitis

13.Autoimmune hepatitis

14.Autoimmune inner ear disease,AIED

15.Autoimmune myocarditis

16.Autoimmune oophoritis

17.Autoimmune orchitis

18.Autoimmune pancreatitis

19.Autoimmune retinopathy

20.Autoimmune urticaria

21.Axonal &neuronal neuropathy,AMAN

22.Baló disease

23.Behcet’s disease

24.Benign mucosalpemphigoid

25.Bullous pemphigoid

26.Castleman disease,CD

27.Celiac disease

28.Chagas disease

29.Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy,CIDP

30.Chronicrecurrent multifocal osteomyelitis,CRMO

31.Churg-Strauss Syndrome,CSS

32.Cogan’s syndrome

33.Cold agglutinin disease

34.Congenitalheart block


36.CREST syndrome

37.Crohn’s disease

38.Dermatitisher petiformis


40.Devic’s disease

41.Discoid lupus

42.Dressler’s syndrome





47.Essentialmixed cryoglobulinemia

48.Evans syndrome



51.Giant cellarteritis

52.Giant cellmyocarditis


54.Goodpasture’s syndrome

55.Granulomatosiswith Polyangiitis,GPA

56.Graves’ disease

57.Guillain-Barre Syndrome



60.Henoch-Schonlein purpura,HSP

61.Herpesgestationis or pemphigoid gestationis




65.IgG4-relatedsclerosing disease

66.Immunethrombocytopenic purpura,ITP

67.Inclusionbody myositis,IBM



70.Juvenile myositis


72.Lambert-Eaton syndrome


74.Lichen planus



77.Linear IgAdisease

78.Lyme disease chronic

79.Meniere’s disease

80.Microscopic polyangiitis

81.Mixed connective tissue disease

82.Mooren’s ulcer

83.Mucha-Habermann disease

84.MultifocalMotor Neuropathy

85.Multiple Sclerosis




89.Neonatal Lupus


91.Ocularcicatricial pemphigoid


93.Palindromic rheumatism


95.Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration

96.Paroxysmalnocturnal hemoglobinuria

97.Parry Rombergsyndrome

98.Pars planitis

99.Parsonage-Turner syndrome


101.Peripheral neuropathy

102.Perivenous encephalomyelitis

103.Pernicious anemia

104.POEMS syndrome

105.Polyarteritis nodosa

106.Polyglandularsyndromes type I, II, III



109.Postmyocardialinfarction syndrome

110.Postpericardiotomy syndrome

111.Primarybiliary cirrhosis

112.Primary sclerosing cholangitis



115.Psoriatic arthritis

116.Pure red cell aplasia

117.Pyoderma gangrenosum

118.Raynaud’s phenomenon

119.Reactive Arthritis

120.Reflexsympathetic dystrophy

121.Relapsingpoly chondritis

122.Restless legs syndrome

123.Retroperitoneal fibrosis

124.Rheumatic fever

125.Rheumatoid arthritis,RA


127.Schmidt syndrome



130.Sjögren’s syndrome,SS

131.Sperm &testicular autoimmunity

132.Stiff person syndrome

133.Subacutebacterial endocarditis

134.Susac’s syndrome

135.Sympathetic ophthalmia

136.Systemic  Lupus Erythematosus,SLE

137.Takayasu’s arteritis

138.Temporalar teritis

139.Thyroid eyedisease,Ted

140.Tolosa-Hunt syndrome,THS

141.Type 1 diabetes,TIDM

142.Ulcerative colitis,UC

143.Undifferentiated connective tissue disease,UCTD





148Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia

The world's autoimmune disease drug

Autoimmune diseases have long occupied the second largest disease market after cancer globally.  The global autoimmune disease drug market size will be approximately US$131.7 billion in 2022.  Among them, 7 drugs account for global sales of more than 5 billion US dollars and are super blockbusters.  According to Frost & Sullivan, the global market size is expected to reach US$176.7 billion by 2030.  The market size of China’s autoimmune disease drugs is approximately US$3.6 billion, which is less than the global sales of one product, Secukinumab, in one year.

The market size of China's autoimmune disease drugs

According to data from the National Health Commission, the current number of autoimmune diseases in China is approximately 80 million.  This huge patient group gives China’s autoimmune disease drug market huge potential, and also attracts big pharma and biotech to compete for investment.

Immune Disease Drug Efficacy Evaluation Model Platform

Medicilon empowers customers to leverage the market

The commercialization between local companies and giants will gradually become fiercer, autoimmune disease targets will be iterated at an accelerated pace, and new mechanism therapies will carry forward the past. How can we compete for supremacy in the future?  As a one-stop biopharmaceutical preclinical R&D service platform, Medicilon has established an autoimmune disease drug efficacy evaluation model platform to empower partners to enter the 100 billion autoimmune disease drug markets.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

When the body’s immune system is overly strong, it will secrete many inflammatory factors, among which rheumatoid factors will attack the immunoglobulin IgG in the body to form immune complexes and cause inflammation.  In the early stage of the disease, local joint stiffness and pain appear, which gradually invade the whole body, and finally lead to joint loss of function and disability throughout the body.

Medicilon models that you can choose from:

  • CIA mice/rats Models
  • CFA rats Models
Major Endpoints:
(1) Foot Volume

Foot Volume of CIA Models & CFA Models 

(2) Arthritis Index
Arthritis Index-CIA Models
Arthritis Index-CIA Models
(3) Cytokine Expression
CFA Models
CFA Models
Other arthritis models:
  • Carrageenan-induced acute arthritis mice/rats models
  • Uric acid sodium induced gouty arthritis rats models

EAE, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis

Day after immunization: Body weight of the EAE models in male C57BL/6 mice & Clinical score of EAE models in C57BL/6 mice.


Psoriasis is a common skin disease worldwide. It is a disease that is not only closely related to genetics, but also obviously related to the environment. Its pathogenic mechanism is not yet clear.

Medicilon has established diverse models that captures key features of psoriasis, including:

  • IL-23 induced hyperplasia of auricle epidermis mice
  • Imiquimod induced psoriasis mice
  • Vaginal epithelial mitosis mice
  • Tale exfoliation mice
Major Endpoints:
(1) Skin thickness
Pathological skin change of Imiquimod induced psoriasis mice
Pathological skin change of Imiquimod induced psoriasis mice
(2) Ear thickness
Pathological skin change of IL-23 induced psoriasis mice
Pathological skin change of IL-23 induced psoriasis mice
(3) Skin colligation score of mice
Pathological skin change of Imiquimod induced psoriasis mice
Pathological skin change of Imiquimod induced psoriasis mice
(4) Pathological skin score
Imiquimod induced psoriasis & △IL-23 induced psoriasis
Imiquimod induced psoriasis & IL-23 induced psoriasis

Pathological skin score

Atopic Dermatitis (AD)

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, recurring, inflammatory skin disease, often accompanied by other symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, etc. The cause of the disease is not yet clear and there is no cure.

The disease related models include:

  • DNFB induced chronic dermatitis mice
  • DNFB & OX induced chronic dermatitis mice
  • Phorbol ester induced acute eczema mice
  • DNFB induced acute eczema mice

Skin score

DNFB induced chronic dermatitis
DNFB induced chronic dermatitis

Skin thickness

DNFB induced chronic dermatitis
DNFB induced chronic dermatitis

Skin thickness

IBD, Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of unexplained chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases. Due to the increasing incidence, it has become a common digestive system disease and is refered to as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

Our IBD models includes:

  • TNBS induced IBD rats
  • DSS induced IBD mice

IBD models

Colon length of TNBS induced IBD rats models
Colon length of TNBS induced IBD rats models
Colon weight of DSS induced IBD mice models
Colon weight of DSS induced IBD mice models

With the successive research and development of innovative drug mechanisms targeting inflammatory factors, Th17/treg balance, blocking Th2 pathways, and targeting B cells, the emergence of new immunotherapies is driving the continued development of the autoimmune disease drug.  In the future, Medicilon looks forward to the launch of more domestically produced innovative drugs with new targets and new mechanisms, which will assist the research and development of drugs for autoimmune diseases and contribute to the future of human health.

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